Showing posts with label abril. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abril. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Digital Wallpapers

Hello, April is here!

For each one of us, living in different countries or hemispheres, this month has a special meaning. Easter, a rainy weather, Fool´s Day, the sure arrival of Spring or Autumn are just some of the events that took place in April.

As I usually do early in the month, I take a look at the amazing website of Smashing Magazine and renew the wallpaper of my computer with one of the great designs they post there.

I have a little selection for you to pick your favorite:

Hola, abril ya está aquí!

Para cada uno de nosotros, que vivimos en diferentes países o hemisferios, este mes tiene su especial significado. Pascuas, lluvias, Día de los Tontos, la segura llegada de la primavera o el otoño son sólo algunos de los eventos que suceden en abril. 

Como generalmente hago al comienzo de cada mes, doy una mirada al increíble sitio de Smashing magazine y renuevo el papel tapiz de mi computadora con uno de los geniales diseños que ellos allí postean.

Aquí les dejo una pequeña selección para que elijan su favorito:

Flying On A Rainy day!

“April is the month of spring or autumn depending where you live on the globe! It’s also the second rainiest month of the year. I was inspired by one simple motif to illustrate rain, birds and flowers. So either you witness rainy days or colorful ones … Enjoy April!”
Designed by Rana Kadry from Egypt.

 Red April

“My plant that keeps me company everyday on by desk in the studio and from time to time gives me inspiration.”
Designed by Alexandru Nastase from Romania.


“…and enjoy your Easter holidays with some good chocolate.”
Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Brazil.

Two Mountains

“This wallpaper was created to remind you to climb your mountain of challenges each day.”
Designed by Randal Baker Jr. from Evansville, Indiana.

Have you already made your choice?
For more options just visit the full page at Smashing Magazine :)

Ya has elegido?
Para más opciones puedes visitar la página completa en Smashing Magazine :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

April 2011 - Free Desktop Wallpaper Calendars

April is around the corner! If you always like to have the calendar right at hand, why don´t you install one of these AMAZING desktop wallpapers in your computer?
Take a look at this fabulous collection of creative designers compiled by Smashing Magazine, and pick your favorite... it´s free!
Here they are my favorites (I still cannot decide which one I will use... maybe one week of April for each one of them!)

Te gusta tener el calendario siempre a mano? Elegí el wallpaper que más te guste e instalalo en tu desktop... Es gratis, y la colección de diseños, DIVINA!
Fijate aquí!