Thursday, January 14, 2010

DIY: A fresh idea for a little chair

Some time ago I have bought for my son a plain little chair and a table of his size for multiple uses :)

Of course it was my idea when I brought them home (almost a year ago) to paint and decorate them with a fun style. Well, it took me ages, but I finally found the time -as one of my New Year´s resolutions- and put brush, acrylics & varnish to work!

Hace un tiempito atrás he comprado para mi hijo una sencilla mesa y silla para múltiples usos :)

Por supuesto que mi idea era cuando las traje a casa (hace casi un año atrás) el pintarlas y decorarlas con un estilo divertido. Bueno, me tomó siglos pero finalmente encontré el tiempo -fue una de mis resoluciones de Año Nuevo- y puse pincel, acrílicos y barniz a trabajar!


  1. That chair turned out so cute!
    I'm really enjoying my visit~ you have a great space here!
    Happy day!

  2. Thank you, Christina!
    Happy to hear you liked the visit :)
    Come back soon!

